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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Writing, Writing, and more Writing

I would like to think of myself as a writer. I am always writing something be it text message, email, facebook status, journal entry, blog, or homework assignment. One of the ways I like to express what I am thinking is by writing a poem (not always one that rhymes), writing in my journal/scrapbooking, or sketching. I have never really been a fan of five paragraph essays (or essays in general) and therefore try to avoid them if I can. In fact, I even transferred out of a history class once because there were so many papers that we had to write for the class. Now I wish I had stayed in it. As a kid, I used to write fairytales, and in fact, I didn't stop doing that until I was in high school. Writing down ideas and stories from a different place were just another way for me to be somewhere other than where I was (like my reading). I loved having to write short stories in school. It was when we no longer go to have fun with our writing that I started to dislike academic writing--so about seventh grade. Still to this day, I enjoy different types of writing in classes be it poems, journals, stories, etc. I felt like I could be more of myself and let my creativity show this way than when I had to write a five paragraph persuasive essay. I will try to keep my students away from five paragraph essays in my class. They will explore different types of writing in my class. I also feel that students can be more creative when allowed to write a different way. I have really enjoyed writing this blog and think that it is a beneficial way to get down what you are thinking. Students today speak and think differently than even kids of my generation. They speak their texts and emails. I feel that I can give them the opportunity to express themselves in new ways. I remember helping my brother with an essay for an English class and reading through his paper I could clearly see facebook speak. Wouldn't it be fun to have students explore famous peoples' points of view or take sides of an issue using facebook? Or creating a dialogue for an assignment like they were sending texts back and forth? What about journals, reflections, and poems about the students and their learning? This is not to say that I won't teach my students conventional academic writing because that is very important, but I do feel that students will enjoy this type of writing more when they are given opportunity to write in the way they do best in other instances.

1 comment:

  1. I can see from your own perceptions of who you are as a writer, as well as the ways you choose to express yourself that you have a sense of the importance of writing, especially differentiated writing opportunities for learning. These answers you have reflected on will provide you a really great foundation from where to begin your writing instruction and assignments. I can see that as a teacher the ones you liked completing are the types that will begin to inform your instruction and which you can teach with confidence. This is good to remember, because motivation and self-efficacy will be important precursors to your students own success with using writing as a means of communicating their learning.
